Meanings Signs & Symbols

1. Please describe three examples of symbols you encounter in your life.

• traffic symbols

• Cross

• Flags

2. Please describe two possible meanings of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock in The Great Gatsby.

• The green light at the end of Daisy's dock could possibly be a warning sign.

• It can also mean that its a reflection of what one feels.
3. What are some ways people are similar to animals?

We both are living organisms and we both need food and water to survive.
4. What is the one major way people are different from every other animal, including other hominid species?

We are much more intelligent, which is what brought us to where we are now.

5. How does telling stories -- and inventing symbols -- empower people to organize in large numbers?

A symbol empower people to organize in large numbers, because the symbol could be representation of what they believe and they want to stand for it, but they cant as one but together they can. And it is the symbol that unites them and spreads their message across.


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