What really challenged me last semester was me. I was my own struggle, trying to convince myself to do my assignments was quite difficult believe it or not. The lack of motivation I had, terrible. Even though I myself knew what I was doing was dangerous to my grade, I proceeded not too. I don't really know why? I'd tell myself "do your work" over and over and yet after 20 minuets nothing's change. The self lack of discipline I have within me needs to change. Then maybe I wouldn't be in the situation I am. What would I do for October to better succeed? Well I'm ashamed to say that I repeated the same thing I did last semester. I'm here trying to finish all my assignment of the past few weeks the day before grades. Not to o well, so its not what I'm going to do this October to better succeed but what i will be doing to succeed next month. First ill need to built a schedule and be organized. Then built discipline within myself and from then on turn ...
QUESTIONS: 1.What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story? To show that what you believe isn't always what it seems. 2.Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith. After reading the story, do you agree? Does Faith's name fit her personality? Does Brown have true faith in her? Yes, faith does fit her personality. Brown does have faith in her, well he did until the end where he started questioning her. 3.What do you think the pink ribbons signify? I think signify a young girl. 4.Was everything Brown witnessed real, a figment of his imagination, something conjured by evil, or a dream? Support your answer with passages from the text. It was a dream. "Be it so, if you will. But, alas! it was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown. A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream." 5.Who do you think the old man really is? What tex...
Interesting perspective - thanks for sharing it!